I loved reading birth stories when I was preparing for my own labor and delivery. But, I've already shared the details of mine with those closest to me and I feel that acquaintances and strangers who may be reading this don't need/want to hear them. However, I do want to document and share
On July 11, I went in for my 40 week checkup. [Doctors set the due date for 40 weeks, but one can expect a baby to arrive anytime between 38 and 42 weeks.] My body had not progressed at all - my cervix had been 1 cm dilated since week 36. It was still at 1 cm with no effacement. Bummer. I'd have to wait another week to be induced unless I went into labor on my own before then. I did almost everything I had heard to make that happen, but nothing worked! I walked and walked, did lunges and squats, bounced on my exercise ball and even ate eggplant parmesan! She just wasn't ready to come out. So, we scheduled the induction for Wednesday morning (July 18).
Tuesday, July 17th 10:00am - Doctor's appointment for NST: The baby's heartbeat wasn't elevating as often as it should, so I had to drink some juice. It didn't really change anything, but my doctor didn't seem
too concerned. She did say I was having some contractions though! (When she said this, I was thinking "Wow...if that's what contractions feel like then labor is going to be a breeze!" Ha.) I was still at 1 cm, but 60% effaced now. I was progressing a little on my own! The
plan was to get to Mission Hospital at 9:00 that night and the doctor would place the Cervidil. The next morning (12 hours later), she would come back to remove it and then give me Pitocin to induce labor. Like every other birth story I read, nothing goes as planned...
After the appointment, Ray and I went downtown to enjoy our last date sans kid. We ate at Pack's Tavern and then headed back to the house to relax. We already had our bags packed for the most part, so we loaded the car and drove to the hospital. I loved my nurse that night! I wish she had been there the whole time, but her shift ended the next morning. Dr. V showed up at 9 to give me the Cervidil. I thought I was going to get a full night's sleep, but around 3am, I heard/felt two loud pops and my water broke. The nurse said it's the most water she's ever seen! After that, I tried to go back to sleep, but my contractions were really strong. The doc said that they hurt a lot worse after your water breaks... she thought that because I had so much water and then suddenly nothing there to create a barrier, it was even more uncomfortable for me. In between contractions I felt fine and was able to laugh and smile. During contractions I was telling Ray that I needed the epidural already!
In between contractions |
I finally called the nurse at 5:30am and told her I thought I needed the epidural. She checked and told me that I was only 2 cm. I didn't want to slow down anything, so I decided to try a narcotic first - Fentanyl. It did not do a thing to relieve the pain. I don't think it even made me loopy, but Ray says it did. I still don't agree with him; I was purposely and knowingly trying to be funny to make light of the situation I was in! The nurse told me that in an hour I could take a shower and then if I still wanted the epidural I could ask for it. Well, 45 minutes later I said "No time for a shower, get me the anesthesiologist now please!" The epidural didn't hurt
too much going in, but it did create a really weird sensation in my left knee - sort of like a shock. The anesthesiologist seemed surprised by that, which scared me a little. After about 15 minutes, I couldn't feel the contractions as strongly anymore, but I could tell when I was having them. I didn't worry about it though because they weren't extremely painful anymore. Unfortunately, after about 30 minutes, I started feeling them even more and would have to brace myself. I KNEW that it wasn't right. The nurse called the anesthesiologist back in and she gave me another surge. This story repeats itself about 3 more times... yes, three more surges of the epi! It never fully worked and by the time I delivered I could feel everything... that's where the details stop. ;)
By the way, Dr. M was supposed to come in and remove the Cervidil, but because my water broke, it fell out on its own. I also didn't have to have Pitocin because I went into labor on my own. When she checked me around 10:00am, she predicted that I'd progress about a centimeter an hour, which would mean this baby would come after dinner. I progressed a lot faster than that and by about 2:00 (I really don't know as I wasn't checking the clock) I was ready to push! Ray, my sisters (Courtney and Anna) and my mom were all there to help me out! I wanted it to be FUN and I knew they would make me laugh. We turned up Kenny Chesney, Ray stood by my head and my mom and sisters were right by my side. My mom told me I wasn't pushing because I wasn't making any noise, but I (and the nurse) assured her I was. Two tiny details I remember: Ray made me laugh by singing along with Kenny - "Something Sexy About [Ray]"; I chewed gum because I thought it would help with the pain (it didn't).
Mama, Ray and Courtney (Anna got there a little bit later) |
See, I was pushing!!
Okay, so fast forward a couple hours, throw in some words I don't usually say (in front of my mom!), some crying, some "I'm never doing this again" and "Mama stop texting I'm about to push again!", several cold wet rags on my forehead, an oxygen mask (baby was in a little distress)... and I had a beautiful baby girl in my arms. Ray was amazing. He cut the umbilical cord, kissed me, and kept telling me how awesome I did. He was by my side the whole time and I couldn't have done it without him! On July 18th at 4:47 pm, our lives were changed forever!
She was so clean right when she came out! |
8 lbs 0 oz, 21 in long |
We spent two more nights in the hospital as I began the road to recovery. My body felt like it had been hit by an 18-wheeler. I'll spare the details because I'd rather forget them than document them. I will say that nobody told me that I would have contractions
after delivery (especially since I was breastfeeding) and mine lasted for about 5 more days!
Mission is a
baby friendly hospital so Raleigh Katherine stayed in the room with us the whole time. The only time they took her was for her lab tests, which they did quickly when I was sleeping. I think that helped speed up my recovery because I had no choice but to get up out of bed and get her whenever she cried. The first shower I took felt amazing and I felt human again! We left late afternoon on Friday. It felt like the longest trip ever from downtown Asheville to our house because I was so nervous with our tiny baby in the car.
As soon as we got home, Ray ran out to get a few things I needed, our neighbors stopped by, and Ray's dad, stepmom and their grandchildren came over. We had visitors all weekend and I was up and moving around the whole time. Some days I was more sore than others, but I made it a point to stay moving. Not even a week after having her, I went on a mile-long walk with my sister and the baby. I believe that staying active throughout my pregnancy helped me bounce back quickly and I recommend it to anyone who is able! I gained 20 pounds and had lost it all and then some after a week of being home. I know it's not the norm, but breastfeeding and moving around helped! I scheduled my 6-week check up early because I would be out of town then, so at 4 weeks I got the okay to resume normal activity.
Raleigh has been the greatest joy Ray and I have experienced so far in our lifetimes. It feels like we have known and had her forever, yet she's only 9 weeks old. We are enjoying this time of her being so small, but look forward to watching her grow and begin to interact with us! I'm extremely blessed to be able to stay home with her for now and I will continue to do so as long as we can comfortably pay all of our bills. We have stayed busy since having her... I was my sister's maid of honor 10 days after Raleigh Kate arrived and a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding in late August. She has already been to two weddings, Charlotte, Knoxville, Spartanburg, Charleston and Atlanta (that's 4 states!), a football game, and several baseball games. Whew! She has stayed healthy through it all and hopefully her immune system will be stronger because of it. ;)
Mom and dad have adjusted well. We continue to do the things we love and enjoy having Raleigh with us. It keeps us healthy and happy. People kept telling us how much our lives were going to change and how much of an adjustment it would be... it definitely has been an adjustment and our lives have changed, but life doesn't stop. The romance and fun is still there and it always will be! Every morning we wake up and see her sweet face, it reminds us of what we created together and God's provision in our lives.
We love you, Raleigh Katherine and thank God for you every day!