We can now pray for our baby by name. Meet Raleigh Kate!
We found out at my 18-week appointment on Feb. 9.
We could not be any happier about having a girl!
I'm 19 weeks today and feeling great! I have been lucky to have not gotten sick at all, with the exception of one night a couple of weeks ago, but I don't think that was prego-related. My worst symptoms have been a lingering headache (toward the end of the first trimester) and random breakouts on my chin and under my nose. I haven't had either of those in the past few weeks. I am so grateful! Besides a few weeks of fatigue in the first trimester where I wanted to do nothing but sit on my butt, I have been trying to keep up with my muscle pump class and get some cardio in at least twice a week.
Here are some quick notes and belly pictures if you're interested
15 weeks |
17 weeks, 2 days (at the bowling alley!) |
18 weeks, 4 days (Going out for Valentine's dinner!) |
How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: 6 lbs
Maternity clothes? Loving some maternity pants, but still trying to wear my normal work clothes and tops. My favorite jeans just started being too uncomfortable to wear last week. I think my butt is getting bigger! What? Baby's NOT in my butt!
Stretch marks? None (yet)... using Mustela cream every other night.
Sleep: I think my body wakes me up a few times during the night to get me off my back. But, I haven't had to get up to pee like so many people told me would happen. Sleep is good!
Best moment this week: Finding out she's a girl and sharing the news with family and friends!
Miss Anything? WINE... watching the Bachelor does not help.
Miss Anything? WINE... watching the Bachelor does not help.
Movement: She was moving like crazy during the ultrasound! She kept grabbing her feet and then playing with her tiny hands. I think I've felt her a little bit, but I haven't convinced myself that it's not other kinds of bubbles if you know what I mean. Ha!
Food cravings: Subway - turkey sandwich w/pickles, jalapenos, and mustard; pineapple - which I haven't been able to give in to
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really, but I don't like to look at or smell raw meat (but I was like that pre-pregnancy, too!)
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: I'm not even halfway to that point yet.
Symptoms: Heartburn! Staying away from any triggers after experiencing a full day/night of heartburn on Monday. I never knew it could be so bad!
Belly Button in or out? In - I wonder if it will pop out, it's pretty deep! Haha
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ray would say moody... actually, his words were "like a pendulum." Haha... I'm happy most of the time, but the house not being perfectly clean really brings out the worst in me!
Looking forward to: Really feeling her move!
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