Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Giving up Facebook for Lent

I thought about giving up Facebook for Lent this year, but I quickly shunned that idea and gave up soft drinks.  I can easily order water at a restaurant, not open a can when Ray has them at the house, or buy one at the grocery store as I'm checking out.  Well, after some more praying and thinking about it today, I decided I need to do something that's going to bring me closer to God and closer to others.  Does giving up a soft drink really do that?  Maybe in the sense of praying "God please give me the strength to not indulge in my favorite carbonated beverage."  Haha.  Facebook, on the other hand, is something in which I too often overindulge.  I could be doing so much more in the time that I spend reading my NewsFeed on the computer and then again when I get in bed with my iPhone.  This will definitely be of benefit to my relationship with God and to my husband and others!  Less time on Facebook means more time in the Word, prayer, and communicating with those near me.  

Oh, but I will also try to LIMIT my soft drinks.  And I'm giving up alcohol.  Read more on that tomorrow!

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