Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What a beautiful day!

And I got to spend it with the cutest, funniest baby girl! 

We went on a long walk with Fancy and then dropped her off at the house.

Then, we went to the playground and RK got in the swing for the first time! Think she liked it? 

Swinging made her tired! Five minutes after I snapped the picture above, I snapped the picture below.

So, Mama got to go on another long, peaceful walk!  She was still sleeping when we got back to the house, so I parked her in the garage while I cleaned out the car. 

I captured some of the swinging on my iPhone...

And also some of the burping. (Oops!) Ray says this is rehearsal dinner material! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Culprit

So, usually after at least 6 hours of sleep at night, I'm ready to get up and go in the morning.  For the past few months, that hasn't been the case.  I've had to drag myself out of bed; working out is the last thing I feel like doing.  Also, my hair was coming out by (what seemed like) the handful every time I would take a shower.  I got some blood work done and they called me with the results this morning... mild anemia (low iron).  Explains everything!  I'm glad I know the culprit now.  With a supplement, I should be feeling like myself again in no time!

Sunday, January 27, 2013



I think I need to go to Pack's Tavern for every State game from here on out.

First, I went out with a friend and ended up there to watch NC State beat Florida State in football (Oct. 6, 2012).

Me & Jordan

Then, Ray, Raleigh Kate and I went there to watch the NC State/Duke game (Jan. 12, 2013) with many other Asheville-area alum. We all know how that turned out. :)

And most recently, on Saturday night, we joined our Wolfpackers at Pack's Tavern to watch State beat Carolina.  Raleigh stayed awake for the whole game and fell asleep as soon as we got in the car to head home. She's a trooper!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Before & After

When we began to look at homes and stumbled across the one we settled on, one of the first things I knew I wanted to do with it was paint the walls.  We bought a foreclosed home, and the only thing that really (physically) showed us it was a "foreclosure" was the wall damage.  It wasn't anything crazy bad, but the construction white walls were a little beat up with scattered black marks in random places and tiny holes here and there from where they moved the furniture down the stairs.  (Oh, and the rotating plate in the microwave wasn't there...minor, right? Except that it costs $80 and we've yet to shell that out to replace it! Ha.)  Anyway, almost two years later and we finally painted! It's amazing what a paint job can do.  Our house feels much warmer.  We got all the common areas professionally painted because of the high walls and some awkward areas.  We will eventually do the bedrooms, dining room, and bathrooms ourselves.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Special Date!

I just realized I never documented one of my favorite nights of the year thus far.  Ray surprised me with an overnight date night in downtown Asheville.  He had his mom and brother come stay with Raleigh for the evening, while we enjoyed dinner and an evening out.  We stayed in a fun hotel and got upgraded to a corner suite!  It was amazing! I really didn't want to go anywhere, I just wanted to stay in the room.  Ha!  We decided to get pizza for dinner at Barley's, which was right across the street.  Then, we hung out at the hotel bar (called wxyz) and sat by the outdoor fire pit for a little while.  It was perfect.  It was the first time I had been without RK overnight, but I did fine and so did she.  I knew she was in good hands!  I was definitely ready to see her in the morning, though.

The pool area - I've decided we must go back this summer.
They have bungalow style rooms at the pool level.  Perfection!

The sweet suite
Fire pit


Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's the little things

My husband is amazing because last week, instead of relaxing on his "lunch break," he went to Target with us to get groceries.  It was raining and I was dreading getting out in it with Raleigh Kate.  We stopped by his store to say hey, and he said he'd go with us!  Talk about making a rainy day better!  I was able to pull the car up to the store so he could load the groceries and put RK in the car without getting wet.  Made my day!

Then, tonight, I went to the grocery store for a whole hour by myself! It's amazing how much less money I spend when I have the time to compare prices and I'm not trying to get in and out with the baby.  I think I'll make this a weekly excursion! ;)

I love my hubby...just sayin!

And when I say it was raining, it rained for at least four days straight and never snowed.

Flooded corn field outside of our neighborhood
Flooded road that Ray drove through (ignoring the ROAD CLOSED - HIGH WATER sign!)
We were NOT with him.
Corn field

Friday, January 18, 2013

Six Months

Raleigh Katherine is halfway to a year!

She loves:
  • Bath time - She's learned to splash with her hands and feet.
  • BabyFirst TV - We bought a couple of DVDs for the car, and it's the only thing that keeps her calm and entertained. No more crying in the car!
  • Fancy and Tink, and all dogs - She pets them and makes funny noises when they get around her.  Just wait until she's up and running - she's going to terrorize them!
  • Crinkly toys - She loves hearing the crinkle noise.
  • Noise in general - She has to hear the toy to appreciate it.  She has a play set of keys and she loves to throw them up and down and bang them on the floor.
  • People - She will smile at anyone (as long as she's not tired).  If she really likes someone, she will make lots of sounds!
  • Peaches, Pears, and Prunes.  So far, she doesn't like any vegetables!
  • Frozen yogurt - We gave her a few bites of my fro yo the other day and she ate it up! She loved it so much that she fussed when I didn't have anymore to give her.
She can:
  • Roll over both ways.
  • Sit on her own for a few seconds!
  • Kick so fast.
  • Clap (almost)
  • Make the sounds "B," "D" and "G."  (Most often - "dadadada")
  • Scream - in a good way!
  • Pick things up and pass them easily from hand to hand
Looking forward to:
  • More laughing.
  • Beginning to crawl...she's almost there!
  • Watching her pick up food on her own
Bedtime routine:  Bath, pajamas, bottle, sit and hang out with us for a little while if she's not tired yet, bounce on exercise ball/sing for a few minutes and then put her in the crib.  She usually starts crying the first time I put her down, so I go downstairs and wash bottles or do something that will take my mind off the crying.  If ten minutes goes by and she's not asleep yet, I will go up and pat her back.  Most of the time she will stop crying and fall asleep when I do that, but sometimes I have to get her out and rock her for a few minutes.  When I put her back in, if she starts crying, it usually only lasts for about 5 minutes before she falls asleep, but most of the time she just goes to sleep.  Some nights I just can't help myself...if she's crying, I'll go get her and let her lay in bed with me until she's completely asleep.  CAN'T. GET. ENOUGH.

At six months, RK is sleeping at least 10 hours through the night.  She is taking two 1-1 1/2 hour naps and one 1/2 hour nap each day.  She goes to Trivia with us every Monday night at Beef O'Brady's.  (Our team name is Team With a Baby.)   She plays in gym childcare for 45 minutes at a time while I workout.  She does great sitting in church with us, but I think I'll start putting her in the nursery starting this Sunday.  She still has her bald spot on the back of her head, which should go away as she starts sitting up more and crawling.  She's eating four (sometimes five) 8-oz bottles per day--one bottle every three hours.  She is still on Enfamil A.R. for spit-up, which makes her a little constipated, but it's improving and prunes and peaches definitely help with that!  We no longer give her gas drops at night.  She only cries when she's getting tired or hungry.  Sometimes she'll fuss if she's bored, but that can usually be fixed by a change of scenery.  Her two bottom teeth are in, and thankfully it didn't phase her!  She just drooled a lot more than usual for a few days. :)  She loves to feel her teeth on her bottom lip...I need to capture that face on camera soon!

For her six month photos, she was so cold in her white onesie that she wouldn't smile!  So, I re-took some when I put her sleeper on.  :)  

You can see her two little teeth sticking out of her gums in this picture <3

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Say Mama!

Raleigh Kate is extremely vocal, but she really only makes two consonant sounds: "B" and "D."  She makes all sorts of vowel sounds!  I'm trying so hard to get her to make the "M" sound, but she just won't do it yet! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The hubby and I are both trying to be more active on a daily basis, so we bought fitbit zips for some added motivation.  The zip tracks your steps, mileage, and calories burned.  (I buy into the steps and mileage, but I have a hard time believing the amount of calories it says I burn while I'm just sitting on the couch!) I clip it to my sports bra if I'm in workout clothes or on my pants if I'm wearing regular clothes. Whenever you walk by the computer, which has the dongle connected, it syncs to your fitbit.com dashboard.  It starts over each day.  You can log your workouts, weight and food you eat on the dashboard.  It's great!
Ray frequently meets the 10,000 steps goal. But, being at home with Raleigh, it's tough for me to do, especially on these rainy days.  Having the tracker has helped make it a point to get out and be active.  Today, I ran a 5k on the treadmill in 31 minutes straight.  Woo hoo! While on the topic of the gym, baby girl does so well in childcare.  She hasn't cried once yet and they say she is just as happy as can be.  PTL!

fitbit zip

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's Just a Phase

I think one of the most important things for new moms to hear and know is that babies go through phases.  Sometimes the phase might last for three days, other times three months.  Just know that there is an end in sight! Sometimes that end might be welcomed and other times you might be sad to see it pass.  Let me explain some of the “phases” we have personally experienced. 

Breastfeeding:  I promised myself that I would breastfeed for AT LEAST 4 weeks.  It was not extremely difficult, but it was painful and it seemed my world revolved around it.  I had to change the way I dressed, the way I ate; I didn’t feel comfortable working out, it was messy, and I didn’t feel like she was ever getting enough to eat.  She was eating almost every hour!  I envy the mothers who do it so easily and almost make it look glamorous.  I do feel selfish complaining about something so natural that is good for baby, but at the same time, ending this phase made the whole family more relaxed and happy.  I got through those 4+ weeks knowing that there was an end in sight!  The switch to bottle went smoothly and after testing a few formulas, she was eating without spitting everything up.  Thus, feeding became more enjoyable for both of us.  Adios breast pump, nursing bras, and…  never mind, that’s not blog appropriate.      

Sleeping:  For the first couple of months, she was a typical newborn.  She woke every couple of hours to eat and would quickly go back to sleep.  No big deal.  However, she also went through short phases of waking up at 2 a.m. and NOT going back to sleep at all! I think the longest that ever went on was about four days.  I remember trying everything – music, bouncing on the exercise ball, stepping outside, trying to get her to fall asleep on my chest, etc.  All of these things had worked like a charm before, why weren’t they working now?  Thank goodness it was JUST A PHASE.  Sometimes, though, you do have to change things up and find out what works best.  Our lifesaver for getting sleep was the Rock ‘n Play that I blogged about here.  See also: swaddling.  At about five months, she wasn’t sleeping as well through the night because she kept trying to get out of the swaddle.  We gave it up and I wish we could say we haven’t looked back, but the transition wasn’t easy.  Maybe I’ll touch more on that in another post solely about sleeping and “cry-it-out” methods.  Her latest sleep phase: waking up at midnight, then at 3 a.m., then at 5 a.m.  About two weeks ago, she did that almost every night.  She would wake up and either talk to herself for about an hour before she fell back to sleep, or cry until I rocked her back to sleep.  Although the talking was cute, it still kept me up and prevented both of us from getting a full night’s rest. She still wakes up in the morning talking, but that gives me time to get ready before I have to get her up.  Also, when she would wake up talking or crying at 5 a.m. I would go get her and bring her down to our bed. I’d let her sleep on me for the rest of the morning.  We would usually stay in bed until 8 or 8:30!  As much as Ray and I both enjoy having her in bed with us (seriously!), he told me I shouldn’t keep it up or she will make a habit out of it.  Point taken.  She is back to sleeping almost 12 hours and I don’t want this phase to end!

Eating:  The phases are pretty obvious here.  As babies grow, they are going to eat more.  You just have to figure out what your baby is wanting.  If he/she cries after a bottle, it probably means you need to add an ounce or two to each bottle from then on. Our baby girl has NEVER stopped eating in the middle of the bottle.  I mean, if there’s a drop left, she knows it and she wants it.  If we take the bottle away before it’s gone, she starts huffing and puffing.  Sometimes we do it on purpose because it’s just so darn cute. 

Those are the biggest issues that come and go in phases.  But, for each baby there may be more.  One more personal example:  RK hated the car, so we bought a DVD player hoping it would give her something to take her mind off the fact that she was in the car.  It satisfied her for about two days.  We returned the DVD player because there was no benefit – and when you’re not satisfied, you want your money back!  As she developed a little more, yet still hating the car, we decided to try again.  We bought another (cheaper) DVD player and it has worked wonders.  No more tears in the car!  And sometimes, I’ll just pause the DVD and she will eventually fall asleep.  Hooray! 

The way I look at it, having a baby is like being a teacher in at least this way:  sometimes you get through the days by keeping your eye on the prize that is a weekend, a break.  It might be frustrating when you’re not getting any sleep or you don’t know what to do to make your baby happy, but know IT’S JUST A PHASE!